6 Sleeve
What’s better than giving your customers four color options for their hands of wax souvenir? What about offering customers six color options?! This 6-sleeve hands of wax is a step up from our 4-sleeve hands of wax and is a great choice those who want to step up their hands of wax business game. This 6-sleeve hands of wax machine weighs 230 pounds and measures 59 in. x 20.25 in. x 33 in. and comes in the same 240-volt and 110-volt varieties as our smaller 4-sleeve hands of wax machine.
Standard Features
State of the art Controls
Independent Vat Temperature Controls
Low Power Consumption
High/Low Power Selectors
Generator Capable
Heavy Duty 304 Stainless Steel Construction
Lock Down Shipping Lids
High Density Fiberglass Insulation
Heavy Duty 6″ Colson Caster Wheels
Five Color Vats
Technical Support
The Best Warranty in the Business
Made in the USA
European Market Approved with CE Marking
Production Capacity
Cost per piece