17 06, 2024

4 Ways Consumers Use Candles to Make Their Homes Cozy

2024-06-17T10:57:13-04:00June 17th, 2024|Wax Equipment|

Nothing quite sets a warm, welcoming ambiance like the beautiful glow of candles. As the owner of a cosmetics company, you need to understand how today's consumers are using candles in more versatile, creative ways throughout their living spaces. This way, you can understand how best to serve your target audience's needs with Coogar Products' [...]

5 08, 2021

3 Tips to Consider When Selecting a Wax Melting Machine

2021-08-05T16:56:20-04:00August 5th, 2021|Wax Equipment|

If you’re in the soap and detergent business, you’re in a lucrative industry, and you can reap big from the market if you make the right products that address your customers’ pain points. Today, over 42% of women aged 18 and above say that they prefer natural beauty products over synthetic ones. As a soap [...]

24 06, 2020

Benefits of Utilizing the Best Wax Melters in Candle Production

2020-06-24T19:48:07-04:00June 24th, 2020|Wax Equipment|

Industrial candle manufacturers must invest in quality candle making equipment to succeed in a competitive market. Wax melters are some of the must-have equipment thus, you should only invest in the best wax melter. One of the highest initial costs of setting up a commercial candle-making factory is buying the equipment. You need to carefully [...]

1 06, 2020

Why Coogar Products Mixing Pumpers Matter to Your Business

2020-06-30T11:32:11-04:00June 1st, 2020|Wax Equipment|

Nearly all the pretty products created by the cosmetics and luxury item industry are created using wax melting equipment, innovative lotion dispensing machinery, and creative packaging. If you’re in the business of cosmetics, candles, waxes, and soaps, here's a look at some of the best soap making equipment and soap dispensing systems involved in creating [...]

5 03, 2018

Why Choose Coogar Products’ Equipment

2020-10-28T01:11:22-04:00March 5th, 2018|Wax Equipment|

Whether you’re looking to get into the candle or soap making business, start a “hands of wax” company, or simply looking to replace your old wax making equipment, you’ve probably discovered there are numerous companies out there selling wax melters, mixers, batch pumpers, and diffuser pumpers. How do you decide which company can be trusted [...]

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