16 05, 2024

Expand Your Business by Utilizing a Mixing Pumper for These Products

2024-05-16T11:42:18-04:00May 16th, 2024|Wax Pumps|

As a business owner, you're probably looking for ways to grow your brand and diversify your product offerings. If you currently produce a variety of soaps or candles, you should know that your soap equipment, particularly your mixing pumper, can be used to help produce a wide array of products. Here are some of the [...]

27 05, 2022

The Most Common Mixing Pumper FAQs

2022-05-27T10:46:33-04:00May 27th, 2022|Candle Making, Wax Pumps|

A quality mixing pumper can help you reduce wax waste and fragrance throw off, so it's a better and more efficient alternative to the traditional wax batch mixing. If you're interested in purchasing the best mixing pumpers, it's essential to ask the right questions as part of doing your research. Below we have selected the [...]

29 03, 2019

Enhance Your Candle and Cosmetics Production with Coconut Wax

2020-10-28T01:11:21-04:00March 29th, 2019|Candle Making, Cosmetics, Wax Melters, Wax Pumps|

Coconut wax may be just the ingredient you need to create something unique with your wax mixing pumpers and melters. The Coogar Products line of energy efficient mixing pumpers can effectively melt coconut wax so you can start to expand your range of candles, cosmetics, and other products. Our equipment is designed to let [...]

7 06, 2016

The Different Kinds of Wax Pumpers

2020-10-28T01:11:22-04:00June 7th, 2016|Wax Pumps|

Wax melters are a great tool for commercial companies who produce items that require large amounts of wax. A melter is a more effective tool when it has all the necessary parts to make a job easier, such as pumpers. There are three styles that are especially helpful and these are mixing, batch, and diffuser [...]

24 03, 2016

The Benefits of Wax Pumps

2020-10-28T01:11:23-04:00March 24th, 2016|Wax Pumps|

A wax pump is an effective choice for dispensing material that is already in a liquid state and doesn’t require additional heating to make it that way. When you are working with unheated base products, a diffuser is a simple way to ensure that the medium keeps moving and pouring effectively. This is often [...]

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